Distinguishing different independent service vendor options for Healthcare Facilities
Depending on a health care facility’s needs, picking the right medical device service vendor will help lower total cost of ownership...

Success Story: Summit Imaging/Seattle University
By Matthew N. Skoufalos Via MedicalDealer.com As an associate professor of ultrasound and the chair of the diagnostic ultrasound...

Summit Imaging Question & Answer
Medical Dealer magazine recently quizzed Summit Imaging CEO Larry Nguyen about ultrasound probes and what HTM professionals needs to know...

Q&A with Kyle Grozelle of Summit Imaging
What’s new at Summit Imaging? Summit Imaging migrated the hosting of our Ultrasound and Mammography educational videos to YouTube as part...

Training to Succeed: A Free-Market Solution to Self-Reliance
Training has become a potpourri of opportunities with technology playing a big role in its evolution. The Internet has been a...

Summit Imaging Question & Answer - Ultrasound Transducer Repairs
Ultrasound transducers and what healthcare technology professionals need to know to preserve equipment quality and safety.