Ultrasound transducer Philips X8-2t repair and service support from Summit Imaging
The next generation of Live 3D TEE The X8-2t xMATRIX TEE transducer provides higher frequencies and bandwidth with increased resolution...

What you don’t know about transducer repairs could impact patient care
Every profession has a set of tools required for the work it performs and in healthcare, providers rely on durable medical equipment to...

You are invited to Summit Imaging's open house!
Summit Imaging invites you to our open house Saturday, October 6th 2018 We would love to host you at our facility in the middle of wine...

Knowing current FDA Regulations of Ultrasound Transducer Repairs
Knowing current FDA Regulations of Ultrasound Transducer Repairs Imagine a world where medicine is not regulated. Where anyone who...

Summit Imaging now has Text Support!
Summit Imaging’s Customer Support Team is always researching ways to be more responsive to healthcare facility customers. Now anyone can...

Counterfeit Medical Device Traceability Risks for Healthcare Facilities
As an ultrasound and mammography equipment support organization, Summit Imaging wants to take a moment to discuss the issue of...